“Justice League: Warworld” is DC’s latest animated feature set in the Tomorrowverse, featuring R-rated animation. The film comprises three segments: Wonder Woman’s escapades in the Old West, Bruce Wayne as a mercenary in a desert world, and Martian Manhunter’s clash with Mongul and Lobo. While boasting impressive voice acting, the stories lack complexity and depth. The black-and-white segment offers a captivating 1950s aesthetic, but overall, the movie falls short of being truly memorable for a more mature audience. Visit fzmovies for more!
Justice League: Warworld
| July 25, 2023 (United States)
Director: Jeff WamesterWriter: Jeremy Adams, Ernie Altbacker, Josie CampbellStars: Jensen Ackles, Stana Katic, Matt Bomer
Summary: Warworld, a place of unending brutal gladiatorial combat, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and others must unite to form an unbeatable resistance to lead entire planet to freedom.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English