Gringa 2023

“‘Gringa,’ directed by Marny Eng and E.J. Foerster, stumbles initially with an unnecessary start. The film follows Marge (Jess Gabor), a bullied teen’s journey to reconcile with her estranged father Jackson (Steve Zahn), who has embraced a relaxed life as a surfer in Mexico. The emotional resonance is imbalanced, rapidly transitioning Marge into an easy rapport with her father. Despite the natural dynamic between Gabor and Zahn, the script’s weaknesses in character complexity and significant trials undermine the overall narrative. Visit fzmovies for more!

Gringa | April 21, 2023 (United States) Summary: A troubled teenage girl runs away to Mexico to find the father she has never known. Together they learn that a family can be put back together, even if all they have are the missing pieces.
Countries: United States

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